Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Why I Don't Mind the Summer Sports Lull

Alright so one of my major sources for sports news online is the website Today, they had an article by Jeff Briggs where he discusses how the summer is one of the slower times of the year in regards to following sports..While I have no problem with the article in itselt, there is less going on. However, it gives me an opportunity to discuss further in depth my love for the game of baseball. The link to the article is below

The clearest point he makes regarding the sports lull comes when he says:         

"truly, we are in sports no-man’s land, at least until preseason football"

While I agree with the assertions in the article that it has been an exciting sports year and as much as I like football and regards to my sports tastes, baseball trumps allWhich leads to my next point...for me the "summer sports lull" (with the exception of the all star break) is something I have never dreaded (in fact I usually look forward to it)....this week marked the beginning of the 6 to 8 week window where sports coverge comes closest to being baseball-dominated than at any other time of the year (well under the faulty assumption that someone like T.O. or Brett Favre don't do anything news-worthy like doing pushups in their driveway or texting their media buddies from Missisipi)

To some baseball season is way too long at 162 me it is a poetic epic that portrays is like life as each team goes through peaks and valleys which create a ying/yang effect between everyone's fortunes and misfortunes......For every team that wins, one loses........inches can determine the difference between a game ending double play and a game ending teaches you to not give up if things go wrong as even the greatest players are still unsucessful very often....any given day a cy-young award winning pitcher might get rocked and/or a borderline player might flirt with a no-hitter

Because of my fascination with the game of baseball, what others call the summer sports lull is one of my favorite times to follow sports......less of everything else going on equals more time and exposure for america's original past-time....

Streak for the cash pick of the day (Thursday):

D-Backs 3
Royals 0

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